Saturday, October 29, 2022

To Christchurch and back again

Earlier today I had a day trip to Christchurch. An early start [07:10 departure], which meant a practically inhumanly early, and at least antisocial, start to the day, getting up at 05:30. Sympathy is very welcome 😂.

It did mean it was about 16-17 minutes between my front door and the front door of the airport, and about 1 minute more to get to the gate, so I suppose it was not all bad.

It was an ATR72 both ways [urrrggghhhhh] but it's only a short trip, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much.

Before departure pictures... The first one is proof that it was still rather dull when I arrived at the airport. The second is my ride to Christchurch.

ATR-GIE ATR72-600, ZK-MZD, operated by Air New Zealand

ATR-GIE ATR72-600, ZK-MVJ, also operated by Air New Zealand

Coming home this evening, the F/O announced that it is "slightly gusty" in Wellington. Clearly a great liar 😂, as the surface wind was reported as "330/23KT MAX 35 MIN 11", the 200' wind as "REP 340/46KT" and "MOD TO SEV WS AND TURB".

It was lumpy all the way in, but actually quite a fun ride. And I didn't have to pay extra for it! Ha ha

Anyway, photos on leaving Christchurch... the first picture is as we taxied out and the second as we past overhead Kaikoura and about 20-25 minutes before it got rather lumpy...😂

ATR-GIE ATR72-600, ZK-MVA waiting as we left

Crayfish land, aka Kaikoura

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