Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mainland Air Piper Chieftain

Today's weather has been pretty rough and has been forecast to get worse, with up to 60 knot northerlies due to arrive this evening. Needless to day, there was not much in the way of GA flying happening today.

The only aircraft that did pop in to the aero club was a Mainland Air Piper PA31-350 Chieftain. ZK-KVW came up on an air ambulance flight from its base at Dunedin airport. Here are a couple of photos of the aircraft while it was parked up for refueling.

1 comment:

Wing Co, ROYAL AIR FARCE said...

Great site, old boy.

You and your buddies like awesome aircraft pix, humorous air tales, glamorous sky girls?

You're all more than welcome to taxi over and drop by to say hello at the top secret bunker over at the Royal Air Farce, Biggin Hill.
Warmest regards,
Wing Co