I've just come back from a trip to Auckland. I had a few days off and so decided to visit a few old friends up there. Obviously, I popped back to the
Auckland Aero Club [actually I seemed to spend most of the weekend there!] and did a bit of flying.
Here are some pictures from a sortie from Ardmore airfield over Auckland City. These were taken by a passenger [thanks Gavin!]. What ever people think of Auckland as a place to live, it is a beautiful place to fly over!
Top to bottom, the pictures are:
- Clevedon river mouth tracking to Maraetai/Beachlands
- Musik Point tracking to the city centre
- Orbiting the Sky Tower
- Manukau Heads [essentially west of Auckland International Airport]
- Abeam One Tree Hill looking towards Auckland International Airport [centre of image next to the water]