Top to bottom, the photos are:
Auckland Aero Club clubhouse and apron
C172N ZK-JAZ in which I did most of my flying on my last visit
Grumman AA1C basic trainers - the core of the AAC fleet
PA28-140 Warrior ZK-CNI
PA28-200R Arrow II ZK-EBE [135kt cruise, retractable gear and CSU]

Yeah, it's a beast!
-Stronger than steel [?]!
-Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound [sorta]!
-Defender of all things good [I really must be nuts!]!
Fun to fly though :-) Thanks for the compliment! More photos to come in the next few days. Another set from Ardmore, then a whole heap from Auckland International.
hmmmmmmm... not sure about that :-(
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