It has now been 6 weeks since I last flew, so I'm really itching to get back in to the air! Oh well, better to wait until the weather improves a little - after all, it is the middle of winter in this part of the world!
Pictures from the airport today are, top to bottom:
Jetstream J32, ZK-ECI, registered to Air National Corporate
Cessna 208, ZK-TZR, registered to Sounds Air
de Havilland Canada DHC-8-100, ZK-VAC, registered to Vincent Aviation
2 pictures of 4 Bell UH-1H Iroquois helicopters from the RNZAF [sorry, no regos]
My understanding is that the DHC-8 is back off to Australia tomorrow, and the Iroquois' are conducting exercises in the Wellington area.
Sorry to hear about the weather Rodney; sure does look rubbish. It's still in the 30s here in Manila, though the overnight forecast is for as low as 27 :-)
Mind you, I'm not getting much flying in either, for other reasons.
Hi Andrew,
Yeah, it has been rubbish for many weeks now, although today was much better. I finally got up for a flight :-). Tomorrow will be back to the usual weather though. Unbelievable!
Sounds like a visit to the Philippines might be in order next winter! :-)
Any idea what those Iroquois are up to? A friend who lives in Mirarmar says they've been buzzing around the area at night for up to four hours at a time and as late as 22:30. Another friend saw 4 over Paraparaumu yesterday also.
My best guess is that "operations" refers to counter-terrorism exercises. I saw 3 of them buzzing around last night. Awesome sound :-)
I was on that Dash-8, captain Peter Vincent... went to omaka for the day to the heritage centre... was a REALLY hot day there, then com back to wellington and the WX is crapy
I was on that Dash-8, captain Peter Vincent... went to omaka for the day to the heritage centre... was a REALLY hot day there, then com back to wellington and the WX is crapy
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