I was happy to spot a Royal Australian Air Force C130 Hercules down on the Air Movements Base apron. What I did not expect was that there would soon be a second C130 on the apron. Being a Hercules, I first noticed the exhaust smoke then the aircraft :-)
I managed to get a number [perhaps an understatement] of pictures of the second aircraft, and later noticed it had an inscription on the front-left side of the fuselage. It appears to say 20000 Hours Flying then something else that I cannot read on my pictures. Any ideas??
Anyway, here are the pictures.
[Post edited - many thanks to Mike Condon of MRC Aviation for the correction :-)]
Hi Rodney
I think the first C130 you noticed with the "05" on the front was another RAAF C130 A97-005 with this aircraft crossing the Tasman late Friday.
Fantastic photos! Great to see sunshine!
Cheers Mike (MRC Aviation)
Hi Mike,
Opps... mea maxima culpa!
Many thanks for the correction.
I really should have taken the time to check first :-( It's even got different paint than the RNZAF aircraft.
You're right about the sunshine [certainly makes a change!]. What the photos don't show is the wind... a big westerly component made for some interesting approaches during the day.
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