The final post from my European trip! It has almost been a full month since I got back home to New Zealand, and I've finally caught up with the pictures!
After takeoff from Hong Kong, we flew back to New Zealand, crossing countries such as Indonesia and Australia on the way. I got a whole 3 hours sleep just north of Australia. This was the only sleep I managed since waking up in the morning in London the day before [and we left Heathrow around 9pm local time!]. All in all, around 40 hours awake. I hit the sack early that night!
Here are the final three pictures from Hong Kong. Before we get to those however, may I suggest you click this link, which will give you photos of the trip from my other blog - basically, everything that's not aviation.
I hope you've enjoyed the journey [almost] as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you. Thank you for visiting! Next catchup is on the photos I've been taking since getting back to Wellington. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to - I appreciate the support :-)
Top to bottom are:
Eva Air, Boeing 747-400, B-16409
Dragon Air, Airbus A330, B-HYA
Cathay Pacific, Boeing 777, B-HNG
I happened to notice on your sidebar the link to your picasa site; I know this comment is COMPLETELY beside the point of your post here, but LOVED the Surfing Santa!! too funny!!
Thanks again for sharing your travels; I'll check back in to see those Wellington pics! In the mean time, I've had a delay aquiring "Freedom Flight"...Hope to get it today and dig in!
Say "hi" to New Zealand for me! : )
Yeah, I got a laugh when I saw that. It's not me :-), but one I saw a couple of years ago.
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