In this final post from Edmonton Airport, I have a number of smaller Canadian-registered airlines, none of which I had heard of previously.
The first two aircraft are from Flair Airlines. Flair Airlines positions itself as a low-cost carrier [LCC]. They don't seem to spend money on a consistent fleet look either, not that that matters at all.
Boeing 737-490, C-FLHE, operated by Flair Airlines |
Boeing 737-408, C-FLDX, operated by Flair Airlines |
Cargojet is a pretty self-descriptive name. They transport cargo, in jets :-)
Boeing 757-28A(PCF), C-GIAJ, operated by Cargojet Airways |
Canadian North is an airline which serves the northern parts of Canada and connecting them with some of the more southern cities. They also fly some older Boeings, such as the following B737-36Q.
Boeing 737-36Q, C-GCNZ, operated by Canadian North |
That's it for Edmonton. In the next week or so, I'll start on the posts from the Canada Aviation and Space Museum [in Ottawa and well worth a visit!!] and the Alberta Aviation Musem [in Edmonton and also worth a visit].
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