Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wellington's new control tower

Wellington airport is getting a new control tower. It is not open as yet, but it shouldn't be too long now.

The new tower is located within the Lyall Bay shopping centre [also owned by the airport company]. The existing tower is a couple of streets away in a residential suburb.

Anyway, it looks like an architect got paid a lot of money to design this one, as it appears to lean into the prevailing northerly winds and away from the bitterly cold southerlies!

The pictures were taken from the carpark of the shopping centre. The red sign at the bottom is actually a shopping trolley return point :-)

New Control Tower

New Control Tower
For comparison, here's an old photo showing the location of the existing tower.

Existing Control Tower at Wellington


AM said...

I was a little wary of this when the plans were first shown, but it's actually come up quite nicely!

Rodney said...

Yeah, the building looks ok. Still not sure about the location, but oh well! :-)

Jakeb Claridge said...

Don't like it.
never did. Probably never will.
Great photo though