I arrived at the aero club this morning, only to be invited, yet again, to be ballast on a MAUW [Maximum All Up Weight] check for a pilot undertaking a twin engine rating. I'm not sure if I should be grateful or offended that I'm heavy enough for that :-)
Of course I said
Yes :-) and shortly after that I was in the rear of Piper PA34-200, ZK-ROC, sitting back, relaxing and taking a few photos.
First up are some pictures of the aircraft, the instrument panel and then the central city, port area and the airport.
Piper PA34-200 Seneca, ZK-ROC, operated by Wellington Aero Club |
Piper PA34-200, ZK-ROC, instrument panel |
Wellington City, port, harbour and the Caketin |
Wellington CBD and harbour. There's no place better! |
Miramar, the airport and Kilbernie |
Next I went for a few circuits myself. Today was an ideal day for it, with a light winds, but with a bit of crosswind, light traffic so no delays, options for left and right hand circuits, a change of runway, precision approaches, short approaches, flapless approaches and really helpful ATC. Perfect!
The aircraft was Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT. There are no photos from the flight [I was having way too much fun!], but just this one of the aircraft afterwards.
Cessna 172N, ZK-FLT, operated by Wellington Aero Club |
Last up was another visiting Cessna 510 Citation Mustang. ZK-YDZ is based in Auckland and is registered to Brookby Quarries Ltd. A nice way to get around, for sure! This aircraft appears to have been imported from Australia, and has only been on the NZ aircraft register since May 2015.
You need to watch out when a C510 shows up, lest Jonesy hop out, probably complaining about the head room. ;-)
Beautiful pictures of the harbour. Picture postcard!
Yeah, but then he's probably too "important" to be parking near the rabble rousers in our hanger... :-P
Jeez Fella the Aircraft need a paint Job ....OFF white just a bit bland...
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